Increase your business' visibility by your app's presence in search engine results. Optimize your SEO and take advantage of a level of discoverability far from what the stores can offer.
Free download
Progressive Web Apps don't need to be installed to be visited, which therefore allows you to make your content easily accessible and eliminate the constraint of having to install the app, as in the case of native apps.
Progressive Web Apps are multi-platform. They adapt perfectly to any screen they're used on mobile, tablet, or desktop. They are just as good in terms of design as they are in features.
App First
Initially thought out for mobile, Progressive Web Apps offer a perfect user experience, by bringing mobile development codes to all other types of screens.
Light House - Remarkable performance
Progressive Web Apps made have successfully passed the Lighthouse tests, which evaluate web app performance.
The AMP Project is an open-source initiative aiming to make the web better for all. The project enables the creation of websites and ads that are consistently fast, beautiful and high-performing across devices and distribution platforms.